![Amandine Gandemer](/medias/fr/2025/02/12/ag/14642398/c/amandinegandemer-41794-w381.jpg?v=1739380524)
Amandine Gandemer
Real estate agent in Chanceaux-sur-Choisille (37390)
I am currently unable to answer by phone from 13/02/2025 to 19/02/2025, do not hesitate to get in contact with me through the contact form.
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independent real estate agents(1) in France(2)
projects completed in 2023 in France(3)
France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Mexico, Florida
(1) All iad property consultants are independent sales agents of SAS I@D France (without holding funds) registered with the RSAC, holders of the real estate canvassing card on behalf of the company I@D France.
(2) Data from the iad group.
(3) Corresponding to 55,000 transactions carried out in 2023 in France.
Property consultant: independent contractor registered with the register of commercial agents (RSAC) of TOURS no 832544704.