Estimate apartment
How do I estimate the value of my apartment?
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Free estimate of the price of your apartment
The estimation of the price of your apartment is a free service offered by iad. Fast and reliable, this online estimate allows you to know the exact value of your apartment. It gives you an idea of the price at which your apartment can be sold.
What criteria are taken into account in the estimation of an apartment?
There are four major criteria to determine the value of an apartment:
- Its location: in which city is it located? What are the neighboring cities of interest?
- Its environment: what does it look like? Is the property located near many shops? What are the neighboring infrastructures? Is the area well served by public transportation?
- Its characteristics: what is the condition of the property? What is its surface area? What is its exposure? What are its main assets? And its defects?
- The demand: what is the supply in this city like? And the demand? Are they saturated or, on the contrary, booming?
Other more specific characteristics also play a role in estimating the price of an apartment. Among them:
- The floor where the apartment is located;
- The view it offers;
- The opposite side of the building;
- The general condition of the common areas;
- The composition of the rooms;
- The general layout of the property.
How does our online estimation tool work?
Thanks to our iad advisors, you benefit from a personalized assistance for the estimation of the price of your apartment. Our online estimation tool takes into account the elements of several databases from a common file of real estate agencies and networks. The procedure is as follows:
- You fill in the information necessary for the estimation of your apartment;
- You indicate your e-mail address;
- You get a customized estimate with a price range;
- An iad consultant near your area will help you refine the selling price by visiting your apartment.
Why is it important to have your apartment appraised?
Having the price of an apartment estimated allows you to stick as closely as possible to the reality of the market. This estimate is also a pledge of confidence for the people wishing to buy a real estate. Finally, it allows the seller to save time when putting the property up for sale, by proposing a fair price adapted to the demand.
Estimating your apartment takes into account the evolution of the market price. The price of real estate per m² is a local data in constant evolution. It fluctuates according to supply and demand. Some cities see their real estate prices soar due to increased demand. It is thus necessary to take into account this evolution to carry out the estimate of apartment the closest to reality possible.